Eye-Friendly Study Habits: Tips for Protecting Your Vision During Long Hours of Study

Eye-Friendly Study Habits: Tips for Protecting Your Vision During Long Hours of Study
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More and more school-aged teens are developing eye- or vision-related issues because of long studying hours. According to the World Health Organization, myopia rates have soared from 25% to almost 42%. Meanwhile, Grand Canyon Education (GCE) surveyed over 1,000 active students nationwide and discovered that 34.4% study three to four hours a day outside of school.

Eye risks exist whether you study on paper or from a screen. And because you can't cut down on study time, you can find ways to protect your eyes during extended study periods instead. Read on for some helpful tips from us at Leangap:

Update prescription glasses

Vision Monday reported that half of American parents skip back-to-school eye exams for their children. But if you've been experiencing eye fatigue, headaches, and blurred vision, it might be a sign that your glasses need an upgrade.

If this sounds like you, don't fret; there are various options available for updating glasses online easily, like Glasses.com. You can ask your parents if your family's insurance covers prescription glasses, and once eligibility is verified, your parents can pay for your new eyeglasses using those benefits.

For students, the GK2002 model has a versatile square shape and transparent color to blend in with your school outfit. Crafted from durable acetate, these eyeglasses can hold your prescription and withstand those long nights of AP reviews or book report writing. You can check for changes in your vision by reminding your parents to set up eye exams every year.

Get blue light filters

Sleeping after studying is essential, but the blue light exposure from screens can get in the way of that. One study of 25 students found that those exposed to blue light from their devices for more than four hours per night went to bed 30 minutes later than teens exposed for less than an hour. So, if you love studying on a laptop or tablet, blue light glasses may be an option for enhanced protection.

For example, Lucyd eyewear can be upgraded with a Lucyd Blueshift lens, with a special blue light-blocking layer that filters an average of 40% harmful blue light. The lens tints to a polarized sunglass if you're reading in bright, outdoor environments but remains clear if you're studying indoors.

Remember, blue light exposure doesn't just happen when you're studying, so wear your glasses even when using screens for fun, like when you're watching TV after doing your homework.

Keep your screen at a safe distance and at the right height relative to eye level

Tweak your setup

Aside from eyewear, you can adjust your onscreen and offscreen lighting to minimize vision issues while studying. If you want to position your screen to prevent glare, don't place your computer desk by a window or where light would reflect.

If you can, use a desk lamp instead of an overhead light; the small and budget friendly SVALLET work lamp from IKEA provides direct light for studying. This eliminates the glare and discomfort that can come with some overhead lights. Then, take a look at your gadgets' brightness and contrast settings; tweak them until your eyes feel comfortable but the text still looks clear. And speaking of text, consider enlarging text or zooming in on pages to reduce eye strain while you go over your notes.

Finally, ensure you always maintain a healthy distance from your screen. A good rule of thumb is two feet from the eyes, with the top of the screen at or slightly below eye level.

Take screen breaks

Whether you're brushing up on your digital skills using online resources or burning the midnight oil for a major exam, losing track of the time you spend on screen can be easy. This can lead to eye strain, dry eye, and other issues that eventually impact your vision, so don't forget to take screen breaks!

The 20-20-20 rule is easy to remember: every 20 minutes, look at something at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. Or you can get up from your seat and fill up on vision-boosting fuel like carrot sticks, boiled eggs, and good old water. If you're feeling tired, these breaks will give both your eyes and your brain time to recharge so you can keep going.

With the above tips, you can stay on top of your grades without compromising clear and healthy vision.

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